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Make a donation to the Asilomar Fund with your tax-deductible contribution. Generous friends like you help us teach Scottish Country Dancing and invest in the future of our ability to continue offering Scottish Country Dancing at Asilomar. On behalf of all our dancers, thank you for your financial support of the Asilomar Fund of the RSCDS San Francisco Branch.
Donations may be made in $US dollars by check or with PayPal. To make a donation, download our donation form and mail it with your check to the address provided. If you prefer, donate with a credit or debit card, or using PayPal by clicking the Donate button or scanning the QR code below.
Together we can keep the Asilomar Weekend accessible and alive for years to come so others can experience the magic of Scottish Country Dancing.
Donating? Find out if your company is one of thousands of US companies that have matching gift programs and double up the impact of your donation! Contact your employer's HR office to find out.
To give by check, mail to
Sylvain Pelletier
Asilomar Fund, RSCDS San Francisco Branch
2250 24TH Street, Unit 225, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA
The RSCDS San Francisco Branch is a 501(c)(3) organization and your donations are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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