RSCDS San Francisco Branch and the Asilomar Weekend have attracted media interest for many years. On this page is a small selection of the articles, features and other materials that have been published. We love to see the Asilomar Weekend in the media and invite members of the San Francisco Branch, RSCDS and the public to submit stories, articles, photographs, videos and other publications. Please send materials to us at

Scottish Country Dancer Magazine, April 2018
Advertisement for Asilomar 2018, March 2018
Event Listing

Facebook: Asilomar State Beach and Conference Grounds, October 2017
Top 50 Reasons to visit Asilomar : # 26 Dance!

Facebook: Asilomar State Beach, October 2017
Inspiration from Asilomar's Archival Past!!

Scottish Country Dancer Magazine, April 2016
Cover photo: Dancers in Merrill Hall, Asilomar Weekend, Pacific Grove, California
Photo: Bob Harmon, RSCDS Orange County

Letter from United States Senator for California, Dianne Feinstein, November 2015

Letter from the Office of the Mayor, Edwin M. Lee, City & County of San Francisco, November 2015

The Reel and Strathspeyper, RSCDS San Francisco Branch, January 2013
A Little Closer to Heaven by Greg Reznick
Photos: Bob Branstrom

The International Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Newsletter - November, 2014
Asilomar Weekend 7th - 9th November by Donna Weidenfeller, Harry Andrews and Fred DeMarse

Scottish Country Dancer Magazine, October 2009
Cover photo: Dancers in the Pacific surf at Asilomar State Beach, Asilomar Weekend, Pacific Grove, California
Photo: RR Jones, Reel of Seven