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Make a Tribute donation to the Asilomar Fund in honor or memory of a family member, friend, colleague, or for a special event such as a graduation, wedding or birthday.

Let us know the name of the person to notify of your generous gift and lasting tribute. We will let them know you have made a donation in honor of their loved one, sharing only your name and address, but not the donation amount. We can personalize this with your message, if desired.

Tribute donations may be made in $US dollars by check or PayPal.

To make a Tribute donation, please download our donation form and mail it with your check to the address provided. If you prefer, donate using Paypal. Be sure to provide the name of the person your tribute donation is for in the comments field.

Together we can keep the Asilomar Weekend accessible and alive for years to come so others can experience the magic of Scottish Country Dancing.

Make a Donation

To give by check, mail to
Sylvain Pelletier

Asilomar Fund, RSCDS San Francisco Branch
2250 24TH Street, Unit 225, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA
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RSCDS San Francisco Branch Address:

2250 24TH Street, Unit 225, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA

Last updated  15 Jan 2025

© 2014-2024 RSCDS San Francisco Branch, Asilomar Weekend

All Rights Reserved

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