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There are many opportunities to help at the Asilomar Weekend, from helping out before or during the actual Weekend, to skills based or long term volunteering, or by becoming an Asilomar Ambassador.


Do you enjoy the Asilomar Weekend as much as we do? Whether you're welcoming our attendees in Merrill Hall, arranging flowers or hanging banners on Saturday afternoon, providing skills based help, taking a committee position or planning the future of the Weekend, we are surrounded by caring, passionate and thoughtful volunteers all making a difference for the Asilomar Weekend and for our attendees.


Not everyone realizes that the Asilomar Weekend is completely put on by volunteers. From the very first weekend, we have always relied on our wonderful volunteers to make it all work. Your involvement and support allows us to put on this great Weekend year after year.


Behind the scenes there are many ways to make a contribution to the Weekend. Here's a few examples:


Publicity, marketing team - the “story” and public image of the Asilomar Weekend


Social Media, Web team - regular updates to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. or help to maintain our website


Fundraising team - reaching out, contacting donors, selling raffle tickets, raising funds using creative avenues and tools, etc.

Asilomar Ambassadors -  taking our flyers and other materials to share with other groups

What's really good news is that there are known benefits to volunteering:

* Learn, develop or document a new skill - useful for personal development, a class project and for resume enhancement

* Help others develop skills

* Connect with others in our community

* Meet a variety of new people with various interests

* Share your interests and passions

* Make a positive difference in someone else’s life

* Re-energise, empower and increase your individual contributions at work

In 2018, we celebrated 60 years of Scottish Country Dancing. We couldn't have done it without many volunteers.


Interested in joining our wonderful volunteer team or want to get involved, contact Sheena MacQueen, Asilomar Weekend Chair, email or a member of the Asilomar Committee.   Or come back to this page for our specific volunteer needs.

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RSCDS San Francisco Branch Address:

2250 24TH Street, Unit 225, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA

Last updated  15 Jan 2025

© 2014-2024 RSCDS San Francisco Branch, Asilomar Weekend

All Rights Reserved

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