Seize the Day! Celebrate 60 years of SCD

Places are still available for this Fall’s Asilomar Weekend. Do come and help us complete our last dance sets, or register as an non-dancer and help us fill out the balcony. If you have already applied or registered, thank you so much! We look forward to catching up and dancing with you in October.

We continue to invite new applications and registrations.
We've lined up these incredible teachers for you: David Hall, Linda Henderson, Cecily Selling, Elinor M. Vandegrift and Craig Williams. This year's talented musicians will be Australian musicians Chris Duncan and Catherine Strutt, and local favorites, our very own Fiddlesticks and Ivory Players, Lyle Ramshaw, Janet Kurnick, David Mostardi and Susan Worland-Bentley.
As usual, the Asilomar Weekend will take place at the Asilomar Conference Grounds, a Historic Landmark and State Park on the spectacular Monterey Peninsula, only 120 miles south of San Francisco. We'll kick off with dinner followed by an informal welcome dance, social and ceilidh on Friday night, dance classes with live music, and a formal Ball in the renowned Merrill Hall on Saturday. We finish with a combined dance class in Merrill Hall followed by lunch on Sunday.
You won’t want to miss the Weekend, not least because we’re celebrating 60 years since Scottish country dancing first started at Asilomar.

Discounted pricing for youth and non-dancers are available. Scholarships are also available from the San Francisco Branch for Branch members, as well as other sources. San Francisco Branch scholarship applications are confidential.
So seize the day, apply, register & do COME: Friday ~ Sunday, October 26 ~ 28, 2018.
Thanks all!