Waiting for the Next Asilomar Weekend?
Every year in January & February we get asked about what's on in the San Francisco Bay Area for Scottish Country dancing while we're...

Sets Complete, Wait List Open!
Dancer places for the Asilomar Weekend 2017 have SOLD OUT, but we continue to take applications & registrations from non-dancers. Dancers...

Joy of dance & the feeling that stays with us
The dance may be over, the applause subsided, but the joy and the feeling we get from dancing stay with us! How true. We're thrilled to...

Now we are Six!
Summer is almost here! We can't believe that its June already and about time for fun summer activities. We do hope that you plan to join...

Still on the Fence?
If you are still on the fence about where to dance this fall, we have places open up for upcoming Asilomar Weekend. Join us for some...