Its April! We're taking Applications.
"To experience it is to be sold on it ” – Jimmie Hill, The Scottish Country Dancer CELEBRATE WITH US! Sixty years Awesome venue ...

Now we are Six!
Summer is almost here! We can't believe that its June already and about time for fun summer activities. We do hope that you plan to join...

Still on the Fence?
If you are still on the fence about where to dance this fall, we have places open up for upcoming Asilomar Weekend. Join us for some...

Where will you be this Fall?
Where would you rather be? Before you head off for a busy Summer, think about where you want to be this Fall! Join us at the Asilomar Weeken

Welcome back Gary Thomas!
We're extremely pleased that Gary Thomas of Santa Rosa will be returning to the Asilomar Weekend where his teaching is always enjoyed!...

Chandi McCracken
We are very pleased that Chandi McCracken of Minneapolis, MN will join the teaching staff for the 2017 Asilomar Weekend. Chandi started...

Welcome Home Fred!
Fred DeMarse, of Alameda, to join the teaching staff at Asilomar 2017.

Now we are three!
Mary Murray of Vancouver RSCDS will teach at Asilomar 2017

Its all about the Teachers!
Sue Porter of Oban, Scotland and Fred DeMarse, of Alameda, California will teach at Asilomar Weekend, 2017.